“Ready to Launch” with Chris Burry and Gideon Marks. An unrepeatable opportunity with two exceptional instructors.

The ITS Blue Zone Foundation is committed to the continuous search for innovative ideas that can also be found outside the business realm.

This summer, the Foundation will collaborate with Usmac by Silicon Valley and the Tortolì Industrial Consortium on the creation of a training course that will see two business development experts as instructors.

Directly from Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs Chirs Burry and Gideon Marks will share their knowledge and strategies for free on how to start and grow a successful business.

10 days of intensive training in English, animated by workshops, sensory learning activities and mentoring sessions.

Interested companies and teams The ideal candidates are the successful future entrepreneurs who have an idea, or rather a prototype for their start-up, with a potential for scalability at least for all of Italy.

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Chris Burry is a serial entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in the industry. Since starting his first company, while still in college, he has been involved in the founding of eight other startups until now, one of which was sold to Electronic Data Systems in the early 1990s and a second, Avanade, was founded in 1999. When he left the company in 2009, it had achieved a turnover of $ 1 billion and it was operating in nearly 30 countries.

Today Chris Burry serves as co-CEO of USMAC, is an Industry Fellow at UC Berkeley and a partner in a venture capital firm.

Gideon Marks offers a unique perspective from his long and successful track record in leading technology companies in financial roles and business development. During his 30 years in business, he has listed three companies on the NASDAQ and four other companies in successful acquisitions. Gideon Marks has worked with growth initiatives, secured financing from venture capital and the state . His involvement from the construction phase to the growth phase in numerous companies makes him a true expert in the sector.

The instructors and the president of the scientific committee will elect the teams admitted to the course.

At the end of the training program students will be able to start and grow their business in every aspect.

At the end of the training, students will possess:

  • A strong entrepreneurial mindset
  • A deep understanding of the client
  • Effectively communicate the value of their work to clients, prospects, partners and investors

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